Monday, January 23, 2012

A Cold Cliche

If you’ll pardon the weather cliché that seems to be the common choice of topic in any random/awkward conversation; as I write, the Western Coast of Canada is 3 day’s into an ‘Arctic Flow’ weather system. Essentially what this means is that high winds from the North East have blown down cold air from the Arctic area around Russia. For the inhabitants of towns like whistler, what comes from such incidences, is a dramatic plunge in air temperature and moisture content.  So from a general average on a few degrees below freezing, and perhaps slightly cooler on the peak, we are now hunkering down through -18 degree’s Celsius with -20’s recorded up on the mountain.  Coinciding with these bitter cold temperatures is a constant dry snowfall and wind gusts of 40km, which reduces the chill factor exponentially. The positives are that one only really feel’s the extent of the cold when outside, as indoor temperatures are regulated everywhere. More importantly though, the cold air on the mountain dries out the wet fallen snow base which fluff’s up the snow making for a much higher quality in powder. This also ensures a higher longevity of this ‘Champagne’ powder. All that said, for now, skiing in these icy winds is not for the faint hearted and does require adequate preparation to ensure no skin is exposed to the air for too long. In fact, rumour has it that some of the higher lift operators were actually regulating skiers and snowboarders allowing only those with full facial protection on the chairlifts.

But, as quick as this ‘Arctic’ Flow ‘appears, so will it disband as temperatures are expected to rise above 0 as close as this weekend.

And so, although not the most pleasant of conditions, these brief cold spells are part and parcel of living in a North American ski resort and there is certainly an element of intrigue amongst us, as we exist through these very foreign and different weather conditions. And what’s more, we now have something to talk about during those awkward few minutes waiting with the stranger at the bus stop.

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